Dr Sirous Mobini is a Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist and Consultant Clinical Psychologist with more than 20 years of experience working in various mental health and neuropsychology areas. Dr Mobini is also an Accredited Cognitive-Behaviour Therapist. He is a Charted Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society and an accredited member of the British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapies.
Dr Mobini has completed a number of medico-legal neuropsychological and psychological reports for clients with various forms of acquired brain injury and mental health problems. He specialises in psychological therapies for mental health problems, psychological injures as a result of road traffic accidents (RTA) and experienced trauma, neuropsychological assessments and rehabilitation with adults with acquired brain injury and mental capacity assessment. In addition to working as a Clinical Psychologist within the NHS in various mental health and neurological/neuropsychological rehabilitation services in both acute inpatient, outpatient and community settings with different clinical populations, Dr Mobini worked as an academic and Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of East Anglia, University of Newcastle (Australia) and University College London (UCL) and as a Postdoc research fellow at the University of Birmingham and the University of Sussex. He is currently an Honorary Senior Research Associate with UCL.
In addition to English, he is also fluent in Persian (Farsi) and Turkish Azeri languages.