National Register of University Certificated Expert Witnesses

National Register of University Certified Expert Witnesses

Mr Edgar Ter Danielyan

Cyber Security Consultant

Organisation: Danielyan Consulting Ltd

Regions served

England & Wales

Years of professional experience

28 years

Number of years working as an expert witness

2 years

Average number of reports written annually

1 report

Number of times of given evidence
(in the past 5 years)

1 time

  • Professional Qualifications
    • FBCS CITP (2006)
    • CREST (various)
  • Expert Witness Certificate(s)
      Cardiff University Bond Solon Civil Expert Witness Certificate
  • Specialisms
      Digital Forensics
      Electronic Discovery
      I.T Security
  • About my expert witness work

    I am a computer security specialist with over 20 years of experience in security engineering, penetration testing, security management, intrusion analysis and security audit at organisations such as Microsoft, Skype, Citigroup, Deloitte, the Institute of Cancer Research and the Royal Bank of Scotland. I was elected Chartered Fellow of the British Computer Society in 2006 and left Microsoft Skype, where I was Senior Security Advisor, to set up Danielyan Consulting in 2013.

    I have qualified as an expert witness (civil law, England & Wales) in 2022. 

Contact details

Danielyan Consulting Ltd
Turnbull House
226 Mulgrave Road
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0) 7858 519 947


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