The National Register of University Certificated Expert Witnesses is free to join for any expert who has successfully completed the Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate and/or the University of Aberdeen Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate.
Complete the form below to register your profile. It should only take a few minutes. All the information you provide on the register form (except the password) will be published on the National Register of University Certificated Expert Witnesses website as soon as your profile has been approved by our moderation team. You will be able to edit your profile at any time. There are mandatory fields in this form marked *
If you have any questions or experience any issues registering your profile, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Please select the region (s) where you are willing to work as an expert witness.
Please select all that apply. Please note that only the experts who have successfully completed and been awarded one of the below certificates are eligible to register.
Forgotten your password? Click here to reset it.